Thursday, 30 May 2019

Hanmer Springs Class Camp 2019

On Monday we traveled as a class to Hanmer Springs for camp.   We stayed at the Forest Camp in bunk rooms for two nights.

My favourite activity on camp was the two times that we went to the Thermal Pools.   I spent most of my time on the Big Bowl hydro slide.

Another activity that I enjoyed doing was the tree climbing. 

I didn't like the walk up Conical Hill,  as it was a lot of uphill walking.   The view from the top was beautiful though.

Another fun activity was orienteering, where we had to find triangles with letters and numbers which each had different points,   the team with the most points won.    The forest was very pretty

On the last day we went on another walk.  This time it was Forest Sculpture walk,   and there was some amazing wooden sculptures.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Mexican Toasties

This week in cooking we made Mexican Toasties.   We used wholemeal wraps,  and filled them with grated cheese, ham, red onion and tomato relish.   I really liked them because the cheese melted and stretched when you bit into them and the spiciness of the tomato relish.

We placed our ingredients on half of the wrap and then slid them into a buttered hot fry pan.   When  the cheese started to melt, we folded the unfilled half over the top of the other side.